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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Are You "That Woman"?: Judgmental Parent Edition

    Do you have a friend who just can't seem to get it right when it comes to disciplining their kids? Are you appalled at the behaviors of other's kids? Do you often find yourself giving advice to others about child rearing because it seems no one has any darn common sense of how to properly train their kids? Well, I have news for you. You are that "woman" who is nothing but a judgmental parent.
(Image Via
    Look, what other people do with their kids is none of your darn business. If you want to raise kids the way you see fit, that's why you have your own. Oh, and for those who feel this way but don't have any kids, you have no room to speak. You don't know what that hurdle is like until you get their so shut your mouths and keep on moving. In the meantime, for those who do have kids who feel this way, the same message applies to you. Shut your mouth and keep moving.
     Each kid is different, and because your kids might have been angels doesn't mean everyone is going to have the same blessing that you have. Instead of going off the rails and giving a fellow mom a lecture, take time to sympathize with the less fortunate. She is having a rough time, and, if you are judging her, others probably are too. Also, you and other's don't know the background of the child whose behavior you are judging. They may have ADHD or something else like that, and the mom is trying to do her best in raising her child. When you are judging that other woman you are telling her that she is not a good parent.
      That's not easy. Especially when society tells women that if they don't have proper parenting skills, they are less than, and nobody wants to be judged. So, don't play into what society tells women to do, and, instead of harming your fellow woman, give her a helping hand. Tell her about a time that you struggled with disciplining your kids or make her feel like she can tell you anything without having to worry you are going to cast judgement on her. Don't assume that because her child or children have bad behavior that she is a bad parent. After all, my grandmother always said that, and pardon my language, when you assume you make an ass out of you and me.

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